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Saffier using databases package allows also the use of transacations in a very familiar way for a lot of the users.

You can see a transaction as atomic, which means, when you need to save everything or fail all.


Check more information about atomicity to get familiar with the concept.

There are three ways of using the transaction in your application:

The following explanations and examples will take in account the following:

Let us also assume we want to create a user and a profile for that user in a simple endpoint.


If you are trying to setup your connection within your application and have faced some errors such as AssertationError: DatabaseBackend is not running, please see the connection section for more details and how to make it properly.

import saffier
from saffier import Database, Registry

database = Database("sqlite:///db.sqlite")
models = Registry(database=database)

class User(saffier.Model):
    The User model to be created in the database as a table
    If no name is provided the in Meta class, it will generate
    a "users" table for you.

    email = saffier.EmailField(unique=True, max_length=120)
    is_active = saffier.BooleanField(default=False)

    class Meta:
        registry = models

class Profile(saffier.Model):
    user = saffier.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=saffier.CASCADE)

    class Meta:
        registry = models

As a decorator

This is probably one of the less common ways of using transactions but still very useful if you want all of your endpoint to be atomic.

We want to create an endpoint where we save the user and the profile in one go. Since the author of Saffier is the same as Esmerald, it makes sense to use it as example.

You can use whatever you want, from Starlette to FastAPI. It is your choice.

from esmerald import Request, post
from models import Profile, User
from pydantic import BaseModel, EmailStr

from saffier import Database, Registry

# These settings should be placed somewhere
# Central where it can be accessed anywhere.
database = Database("sqlite:///db.sqlite")
models = Registry(database=database)

class UserIn(BaseModel):
    email: EmailStr

@post("/create", description="Creates a user and associates to a profile.")
async def create_user(data: UserIn, request: Request) -> None:
    # This database insert occurs within a transaction.
    # It will be rolled back by the `RuntimeError`.

    user = await User.query.create(, is_active=True)
    await Profile.query.create(user=user)
    raise RuntimeError()

As you can see, the whole endpoint is covered to work as one transaction. This cases are rare but still valid to be implemented.

As a context manager

This is probably the most common use-case for the majority of the applications where within a view or an operation, you will need to make some transactions that need atomocity.

from esmerald import Request, post
from models import Profile, User
from pydantic import BaseModel, EmailStr

from saffier import Database, Registry

# These settings should be placed somewhere
# Central where it can be accessed anywhere.
database = Database("sqlite:///db.sqlite")
models = Registry(database=database)

class UserIn(BaseModel):
    email: EmailStr

@post("/create", description="Creates a user and associates to a profile.")
async def create_user(data: UserIn, request: Request) -> None:
    # This database insert occurs within a transaction.
    # It will be rolled back by the `RuntimeError`.

    async with database.transaction():
        user = await User.query.create(, is_active=True)
        await Profile.query.create(user=user)
        raise RuntimeError()

Important notes

Saffier although running on the top of Databases it varies in many aspects and limits some of the unecessary free-style usage to make sure it keeps its consistance.

If you are interested in knowing more about the low-level APIs of databases, check out their documentation.